Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Walking the Walls

  • 2

    Six Components

    • Six Clear Components

    • Take the Survey

  • 3

    Four Simple Questions

    • Four Simple Questions

    • Test Your Knowledge

  • 4

    Two Basic Tools

    • Let's Test Your Knowledge Before Taking the Next Lesson...

    • Two Basic Tools

  • 5

    Next Steps...

    • So, Now What?

    • Are You Ready to Take Your Walk Even Further?

Watch Intro Video

Listen to a Walking the Walls testimony.

Are you ready to take a walk?

“Joe Chenoweth presented 'Walking the Walls' to my post-graduate 'Leadership' class. We spent most of a day together. The materials are insightful and practical. Joe’s communication style was engaging and easily drew out the students. I will be inviting him for an encore every time I teach this course. As a former pastor and a graduate-school educator, I believe Joe has developed an ideal introductory tool for discussion and application. It will work as well in church and para-church leadership contexts as it does in the classroom. I cannot recommend Walking the Walls too highly.”

Kent Mathews, President & Academic Dean, Heartland Theological Seminary, Lenexa, KS

“Our experience with WtW has been great. It has served as a catalyst for our team to have some conversations we’ve needed for a long time. The “gate” metaphor was very helpful, along with the diagram that had the stick people on it – helping people wrap their brains around recruiting folks for smaller (more specific) asks.”

Luke Neal, Young Life Area Director, Columbia, MO

“When I first heard about Walking the Walls, I wasn't excited. I thought it would be another thing to do -- WOW was I wrong. Joe asked hard questions that helped me better understand my strengths and weaknesses. It's given me clarity and helped with simple structure to build my ministry team. Today I'm healthier and happier. I'm all in now!!”

Michele McCune, Director of Children's Ministry, Cornerstone Community Church, Harrisonville, MO

“WtW is opening up positive conversations among the members of our church about what we do, and why. WtW is drawing people into ministry who have been on the periphery of the life and ministry of the church. Our church is healthier, I am personally healthier and we are more unified as a church body.”

Tom Rea, Sr Pastor Crossroads Church, Nevada MO